A49-A465 Report of Meeting 14th June 2013

We now know that the proposed route for what the Council is calling their ‘Preferred Option’  of the Southern Section of the Hereford Relief Road, is to follow the new SC7 outline (as shown to local residents in March 2013) but it is likely to extend north west, to join the Clehonger Road. Is this what all the secrecy was about at that 14 June meeting? We said in our article about this posted on 15 June that we would provide an update, and here, so far, is what we have discovered.

The meeting opened with apologies for the disturbance caused by people trying to join the meeting when they didn’t have an invitation. The officers and councillors present only wanted to brief those residents directly affected by the proposed route of the Southern link. The invitation list had been selected on this basis. However some people living less than a mile away from this route were not invited to the meeting. Those who tried to attend were refused entry. This action has been denounced by certain Ward and Parish Councillors.

The phase 2 assessment of this section of the proposed Hereford Relief Road has still not been completed. Indeed, the Council insist that this section is not being considered in the context of the full route of the proposed Hereford Relief Road. Instead, their emphasis is on creating jobs and housing, and supporting the Rotherwas Enterprise Zone. Whether or not any new business tenants will sign up in the REZ as a result of a road unlikely to be completed (if at all) before 2018 at the earliest was, apparently, not discussed.

And what about relief from road congestion? Well, traffic hasn’t been modelled yet, so the Council cannot address, at this time, concerns that more homes create more traffic unless sustainable transport measures mitigate the problem. The claim at the meeting was that this southern link proposal has nothing to do with congestion but everything to do with housing.

Given the Council’s current financial difficulties it is surprising that so little has been done on a cost benefit analysis, or on testing alternatives to road building. It’s no good hiding behind the notion that the capital cost of the road will be paid for by borrowing as the debt will have to be repaid out of income receipts, together with interest charges.
What else happened at the meeting? Light refreshments were served and maps were studied. A list of completed assessments was shown graphically, such as of Bio-diversity, Topography, Landscape and Townscape. There was also a list of studies still to be undertaken, such as on Carbon emissions, Noise emissions, Economic impact, Social impact and liaison with the Highways Agency. The timetable includes further Appraisals up to September 2013 and Consultation in October or later in 2013.

Here for Hereford hope that Minutes of the meeting will be made public. If Councillor Hamilton who called the meeting provides a statement about its purpose and its status, we will be happy to publish it.
Michelle Morgan, Communications Officer (Projects), has confirmed that the meeting was by invitation only, and that those who left their names at the desk would be contacted later in the year with Consultation details.
If you wish your name to be added to the Herefordshire Council list, please email Michelle at: michelle.morgan2@herefordshire.gov.uk.

We await information from Mairead Lane at the Council regarding the maps distributed at the meeting. When we get this information Here for Hereford are happy to publicise it.



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